Panamerican Journal of Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2015 ) > List of Articles


Complex Perineal Injuries in Blunt Trauma Patients: The Value of a Damage Control Approach

Newton Djin Mori, Frederico José Ribeiro Teixeira Jr, Sérgio Dias do Couto Netto, Francisco Salles Collet e Silva, Belchor Fontes, Renato Sergio Poggetti, Dario Birolini, Celso Oliveira Bernini

Citation Information : Mori ND, Jr FJ, Netto SD, Silva FS, Fontes B, Poggetti RS, Birolini D, Bernini CO. Complex Perineal Injuries in Blunt Trauma Patients: The Value of a Damage Control Approach. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2015; 4 (2):87-95.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10030-1122

License: NA

Published Online: 04-08-2015

Copyright Statement:  NA


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