Panamerican Journal of Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2017 ) > List of Articles


Lesión Vascular de Cuello en Paciente Pediátrico Secundario a Mordedura de Perro. Reporte de Caso

Araceli P Soto, Jose AR Huizar, Allan IH Rosas, Arturo H Vazquez, Oscar HG de Leon

Citation Information : Soto AP, Huizar JA, Rosas AI, Vazquez AH, Leon OH. Lesión Vascular de Cuello en Paciente Pediátrico Secundario a Mordedura de Perro. Reporte de Caso. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2017; 6 (3):214-218.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10030-1194

License: NA

Published Online: 04-12-2017

Copyright Statement:  NA


How to cite this article

Soto AP, Huizar JAR, Rosas AIH, Vazquez AH, de Leon OHG. Lesión Vascular de Cuello en Paciente Pediátrico Secundario a Mordedura de Perro. Reporte de Caso. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2017;6(3):214-218.

One of the first reported cases of cervical trauma was in Homer's Iliad, when Achilles struck with a spear to the neck of Hector. Injuries in general are the main cause of death in the first four decades of life in Mexico City; neck trauma represents 5-10% of all traumas and of these 20% are associated with mortality when it comes to penetrating injuries.

From time immemorial man has been related with animals. In any of the relations alterations may arise in coexistence constituting specific accidents, such as it's the bites.

A higher proportion of them are in children of whom 50% of those affected are minors 1of 4 years (1-4 and 5-9 years). It seems clear that the lower the size of the victim, the more frequent are these bites in the neck, head and face, leading to the possible association of craniofacial fractures (appear in 25% of cases) and intracranial hemorrhages (12%). The indications for immediate surgical intervention after penetrating cervical injury include hemodynamic instability or significant external hemorrhage.

We present the case of a 6-year-old patient, attacked by family dog, causing injuries multiple, in neck, face, extremities and thorax. that conditioned a hypovolemic shock secondary to injuries of the external and internal jugular veins, that were repaired by vascular exploration.

Communities, and especially children, through of a culture of education for coexistence with animals, must know the risks of dog bites and way to prevent them: for example, do not approach dogs street and never leave a child unsupervised near a dog.

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