Impacto Economico Directo Derivado de la Atención de Pacientes Traumatizados en un Hospital de Segundo Nivel en México
Allan IH Rosas, Oscar HG de Leon, Adriana GG Canseco, Luis EG Montoya, Antonio M Martínez
Keywords :
Care, Expenditure, Polytrauma
Citation Information :
Rosas AI, Leon OH, Canseco AG, Montoya LE, Martínez AM. Impacto Economico Directo Derivado de la Atención de Pacientes Traumatizados en un Hospital de Segundo Nivel en México. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2018; 7 (1):15-23.
Objective: To identify the expense that was generated in the care of polytraumatized patients in the General Surgery service at the General Hospital “Dr. Gustavo Baz Prada” in Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico, in a period of 1 year (January 1, 2015–December 31, 2015), in Mexican pesos (PM).
Design: Economic evaluation type estimation of costs.
Data source:Registry of Traumatized Patients, clinical records.
Target population: All patients who attended the General Surgery service of our hospital and who required hospitalization and/or surgical management for 1 year.
Time horizon: Follow-up during the hospitalization, for a maximum of 5 months.
Perspective: Provider of health services.
Materials and methods: A micro-costing study in which the direct medical costs generated from the care of traumatized patients treated in the General Surgery service who deserved surgical management and/or hospitalization was done. Variables, such as age, gender, days of hospital stay and in the intensive care unit (ICU), cost of care, recovery fee, and intentionality of the injury were analyzed.
Results: A total of 122 patients who required surgical and/ or hospital management were counted; 109 patients were male (89.2%) with a mean of 28 years (22–37), 13 female (10.7%) with a median of 29 years (27–40). An overall cost of $4,261,624.60 was estimated. Average expenditure per patient was $24,430.3 ($18,427.2–37,100.00). The overall recovery fee was $ 235,765.00, and the average recovery fee per patient was $1,755.0 PM ($810.00–3,332.0). A total of 77% (n = 94) of the patients treated presented injuries related to suspected violence, generating a total of $3,339,054.9 (78% of the global expenditure).
Conclusion: The care of traumatized patients generates considerable revenue in our hospital. Violence-related injury care generates the highest percentage of this expenditure.
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