Adonis Nasr, Phillipe Abreu-Reis, Iwan A Collaco, Flavio S Tomasich, Joaquim L Andrade, Marina N Góes, Lucas M Sarquis, Jéssica RA de Souza, Luis FS Brunello, Thais Takamura, Caroline LBD Bosco, Lucas de S Benatti, Carolina Oldoni
Keywords :
Day off, Doctor, Medicine, Perceptor, Quality of life, Residency, Stress, Student, Trauma
Citation Information :
Nasr A, Abreu-Reis P, Collaco IA, Tomasich FS, Andrade JL, Góes MN, Sarquis LM, de Souza JR, Brunello LF, Takamura T, Bosco CL, Benatti LD, Oldoni C. Day off after Night Shift: Rest and Recovery?. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2018; 7 (3):194-198.
Introduction: The medical profession has quite stressful aspects, such as requiring great dedication of time, the involvement of a lot of personal responsibility, as well as the constant contact with the suffering of patients and families. In view of the deleterious effects of uncontrolled stress on the physician, the patient and the public at large, definite steps are required to stem this tide and proffer solutions. So, we performed this study to assess if the possibility of having a day off after a night shift can change the level of stress between internship students, residents and doctors.
Research methods: A descriptive cross-sectional comparative study was performed during the period from February to April 2016, internship students, residents, and doctors were subjected to a validated questionnaire voluntarily, with online filing.
Results: Three hundred sixty-two people answered the online questionnaire About 56% of them have a day off after a night shift and 97,7% consider that having a day off would improve their quality of life. In the perceived stress scale they reached 19,926 points. Comparing the level of stress between interns, residents, and doctors that have a day off and those who do not have we did not found a statistic significance (p = 0.9886, p = 0.8014 and 0.0969 respectively).
Conclusion: Stress is present in all the categories studied. Among the Medical students and doctors, most have a day after night shift off. Doctors, residents and medical students are more stressed than a population of the same age. Almost all subjects responded that they consider the day off important to quality of life, but we didn't found statistical significance between stress levels and the presence or absence of this rest period among doctors, residents and medical students
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