Panamerican Journal of Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery

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VOLUME 13 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Hospital Discharges Due to Pelvic Trauma in Chile in the Period (2003–2023): Analyzing the Last 20 Years

Felipe Cruz E, Camila Díaz H, Sofia Del Valle M, Joaquin Jarpa B, Diego Tapia C, Florencia Massardo V

Keywords : Epidemiology, Morbidity, Pelvic Trauma

Citation Information : E FC, H CD, M SD, B JJ, C DT, V FM. Hospital Discharges Due to Pelvic Trauma in Chile in the Period (2003–2023): Analyzing the Last 20 Years. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2024; 13 (3):120-124.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10030-1468

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 31-12-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Introduction: In Chile, pelvic trauma secondary to high-energy blunt trauma represents a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Although its incidence is low, its impact is considerable due to the consequences it causes in adjacent structures. Understanding its epidemiology is essential in order to develop effective management strategies, thereby improving the quality of life for those affected. Methods: A population-based study was conducted using hospital discharge records from the Department of Statistics and Health Information and the National Institute of Statistics. Patients with primary hospitalization codes S31.0, S32.2-S32.5, S32.7, S32.8, S33.2, S33.4, S33.6, S35.5, S37.0, S38.0, and S38.2 from the ICD-10 were considered. The variables analyzed included sex, age group, trauma type and mechanism, length of hospital stay, and discharge condition. Incidence rates (IR) were calculated per 1,00,000 inhabitants. The results were analyzed using analytical statistics to evaluate statistical significance (p < 0.05, 95% CI) (Stata-16). An ethics committee approval was not required. Results: A total of 29,505 pelvic trauma discharges were recorded, with a male predominance (61%). The average incidence rate was 8.35, showing no significant upward or downward trend. The highest frequency was observed in the 20–29 year age group. The most common fractures were those of other parts and unspecified fractures of the lumbar spine and pelvis (45.29%), followed by acetabular fractures (12.39%). The regions with the highest incidence rates were Los Ríos (11.91) and Araucanía (10.94). Conclusions: Although the incidence of pelvic trauma has not shown significant variation over the years, it has not decreased and primarily affects men of working age, which is of particular relevance as it leads to a loss of potential years of life and a decreased quality of life for those affected.

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